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After 3 years of exile ... Saad Hariri returns to Lebanon 1657
One dead and 7 wounded in an explosion in Tripoli at night near a point of the army and seconds after the passage of the president of the "Association of Muslim Scholars" 4080
Aoun: I call from a "sentimental position" to security cooperation with Syria in "fateful things" based on "The Brotherhood Pact" 1396
The Lebanese Army fights "The Shedded Sword" battle against anti-Assad Syria's terrorists in Arsal 33509
The kidnapped of the Internal Security Forces declare at "El-Nusra Front" their breakaway from the army and Hizbollah while appearing forced to 1476
July 2014, the most deadly for the regime forces and gunmen loyal to it since the start of the Syrian revolution 1315
In completion of Iran’s hegemony over Lebanon... Hizbollah's communications network reaches Mount Lebanon 1450
Violent clashes in the western countryside of Hama and progress of combating brigades 1296
As a result of the languished Western policy towards the Syrian Revolution and prosperity of terrorist organizations... "ISIS" blow up the mosque of prophet Shayth and the shrine of Prophet Zarzis in Mosul 1521