May Murr
Born in 1929. Lebanese, wife of Alfred Murr, Civil engineer, industrialist and author. Mother of five children: Lina, Nada, Kamal, Hadi and Arz.
- Diplomas: License d'Enseignement en Histoire et Géographie from the Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts. - Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures de Géographie from the University of Lyons, France. Title of her doctorate thesis: Géopolitique Libanaise (manuscript).
She has taught different subjects: mathematics, literature, history, history of art, geography in many institutions and has especially taught history and geography at the Lebanese University and the Military School.
Her fields of activity are extensive: literature: poetry, novels, epics, short stories..., history, geography, politics..., she has a passion for everything that touches God and Lebanon.
She is a founding member of the political party The Guardians of the Cedars together with Etienne Sakr.
- Died in 29 March 2008.
1) In Lebanese:
- Elissa: a historical drama in verse, considered as a summit in this field. Beirut, 1968.
- I love You: Love poems (in neo-Lebanese characters) Jounieh, St Paul, 1978.
- Various publications in prose and poetry in the press.
2) In French:
- Pourquoi les Roses? Love poems (in both classical and free verses), Paris, Grassin, 1967.
- Penchent Leur Tête les Epis: Poems (in both classical and free verses), Paris, Grassin, 1969. Paris, Grassin, 1967.
- Il S'agit d'un Rien d'Amour: Prayers (in free verse), Paris, Grassin, 1970.
- Quatrains: Poems (in classical verse), Paris, Grassin - Jounieh, St Paul, 1971.
- Kamal or the Story of a Hero: Poetry and prose, with a prayer in verse as an introduction. Beirut, Ishtar, 1987.
- Poésie Trismégiste: Spiritual Poems (in classical verse), Etablissements Khalifé pour l'Impression, Beirut, 1994.
3) In Arabic:
The Most Beautiful Tales of Lebanon-Phoenicia. Beirut.
* Eight tales are already published adapted for children by Michel Kehdi and illustrated by the daughter of May and Alfred Murr, Lina Murr-Nehmé, a painter and novelist in her own right: 1 - The Magic Birdie. 2 - The Time Vessel. 3 - Lebanon and Phoenicia. 4 - Thor and Maya. 5 - The Emerald Temple. 6 - I Shall Give Your Name to Tyre. 7 - The One Who Restored the Empire of the World to the Phoenicians. 8 - Tripoli, I prefer you to myself.
These tales comprise, in their original versions notes and historical references.
Four other tales are ready for print: 9 - He Meant Us for Love. 10 - Elissa, Founder of the Queen of Our Emporia's. 11 - Sidon Returns from Death. 12 - Euclid of Tyre, Organizer of the Mind.
May Murr has also published in the press three collections of Arabic classical poems entitled:
* My God, I love You.
* Lebanon also I love.
* A Kiss for You.
- May Murr has written more than 3,000 articles on several subjects (theology, philosophy, politics, literature, arts, history, geography, social problems...) with an emphasis on the problems of the family, womanhood and childhood, in most of the major Lebanese newspapers and magazines, in three languages: Lebanese, French and Arabic.
- She has given more than 3,000 conferences on various subjects in most of the cities and villages of Lebanon and other countries.
- She has given more than 1,000 radio and television sequences on several subjects, in particular politics and history.
- More than 1,000 articles have been written about her in addition to essays and theses, including one by Dr. Kehdi entitled: May Murr, a Pioneer Queen of Thought, and by Nabil Badwi entitled: May Murr and Her Discoveries that Upset the Concepts of History.Among the poems written in praise of her works is an outstanding one by the eminent poet George Chaccour. The prominent poet and literature critic George Ghorayeb has recently written, about her latest collection of poems, entitled May Murr in her Poésie Trismégiste... Among the many poems written in her honor, the well-known poet George Chaccour has written a masterpiece.
- May Murr was the editor-in-chief of the weekly Lebnan since its creation in 1975 until 1982. She has published in this weekly political articles, poems and extracts from Lubnaniyada, her epic poem in Lebanese (of some 30,000 verses) and historical essays which allowed her to call the history of Lebanon-Phoenicia the Giant of Histories, and to entitle her works on the history of Lebanon in 12 volumes (still manuscript) Lebanon-Phoenicia, Land of God.
- The Saïd Akl Prize, 1970. (He wrote, in 1967 , an article entitled A woman invades the conscience of Lebanon: May Murr in 'Elissa' has surpassed Shakespeare and imposed herself as the creator of the Lebanese drama and a giant among giants... Whole volumes can be written about May Murr's art... May Murr is one of the authors who can create something new with the strangeness of a unique treatment; and in the domain of beauty, she creates wonders.
- Le Prix des Gens de Lettres de France (1968).
- Le Prix de la Rose des Poètes, Paris (1969).
- The Fakr Eddine Prize, awarded by General Aziz Ahdab for her unique and incomparable historical discoveries that upset the concepts of history (1974).
- She figures among the poetesses in the Anthologie de la Poésie Féminine Mondiale.
- Many international critics have praised her poetry. Jean Cayrol wrote to her: May Murr, you are filled with poetry to the brim.
(many of which were written in collaboration with her husband, Alfred Murr) await publication:
- Jesus. An epic poem in Lebanese of some 15,000 verses.
- The First Love Letter, or Thor and Maya. A historical novel
- Cadmus of Tyre. The Universal Master. A historical novel.
- He Meant Us for Love, or Adoniram, Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. A historical novel.
- Euclid of Tyre, Organizer of the Mind. A historical novel in Arabic.
- Several novels, plays (including Marina), 9 books of poetry, various historical, political and geographic essays... in three languages.
May Murr has founded and presided several cultural and social associations. She is a member of the Société des Gens de Lettres de France and of the Société Teilhard de Chardin, headquarters in Belgium. She is also the President of the Academy of Lebanese Thought.
- She awarded, in collaboration with her family, the monthly Kamal Murr Prize to any person who has rendered outstanding services to God and Lebanon. (The prize was inaugurated with Dr. Charles Malik, former President of the United Nations General Assembly and holder of 63 honorary doctorate degrees. He considered the Prize as the highest distinction he ever received.The Prize was also awarded to prominent Lebanese and non Lebanese personalities, including Dr. Mohammed Maghrabi, a prominent leader, to men of the Church; Papal Nuncio Mgr. L. Angeloni, two Patriarchs and several learned priests..., to politicians; President General Michel Aoun, to ambassadors; Paul Blane of France, John Gray of the UK, Fouad Turk and Farid Samaha of Lebanon..., to Generals; Aziz Ahdab and Fouad Aoun..., to poets and musicians...
- May Murr is regarded by many Lebanese authors as the foremost historian and the foremost woman of letters.